



  广告投放 是一个压力大没周末都要工作加班的岗位吗? 作者:爱乐高的阿板子 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/430764163/answer/1584374711 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 我认识的朋友里有做国内投放的,也有做海外投放的 在我看来,他们的生活状态不太一样哈哈 不知道题主做的是国内的还是海外的,是甲方还是乙方,毕竟挺不一样的 国内投放: 更多指的是头条系广告(默认指的是线上哈~),每天都要盯着数据,建新Campaign,写素材创意。广告开关新建操作很频繁,但如果有数据好的广告,真能跑一直跑很久的(30天以上都有)。但是在此之前,需要不断的尝试,压力大,每周末,默认加班到八点是常态,因此也是比较辛苦的 海外投放: 指的是Facebook、Google以及网盟渠道(Unity、ironsource、Tapjoy、exmox...有非常多),FB以及GG投放并不会建议建很多很多Campaign,更多强调的是机器学习(在跟AM讨论的时候,他们经常强调这一点),只要机器学习完成,较大概率跑的好,但FB可能维持不了太久,因此也需要经常优化操作,但不会像国内投放这么频繁(佛系投放哈哈哈哈)。压力大,但有周末,加班不频繁。 但是如果只看到投放是一个压力大、没周末、要加班的一份工作的话,也挺片面的。现在有多少工作钱多事少离家近呢(如果有请私聊我,谢谢) 就广告投放来讲,钱是比较多的(海外大概率>国内),事多(如果还想了解会有什么工作内容可以私聊),离家近(公司就是你家,你想啥呢),也能多方面了解一个产品准备、上线、推广、后期全流程,也算是为之后的职业生涯打下一些基础 因此,总体来说,还是比较推荐的 题主还有什么疑问,可私聊~Facebook个人账户购买微信:

My boyfriend’s house only has a deposit of 200,000 yuan. Should I marry him?

 My boyfriend’s house only has a deposit of 200,000 yuan. Should I marry him? I am a female, 25 years old this year, an undergraduate from a certain university. I’ve always been praised for being pretty since I was young. I think it’s okay. My family is located in rural Jiangsu. My family’s conditions are okay. Generally, my boyfriend is 25 and lives in Zhejiang. Wenzhou countryside. My male ticket and I have been talking about it for almost three years, and it was originally for marriage. I didn't know the financial conditions of his family before. Because he just graduated this year, his major is clinical medicine, and he just came out to find a job, and his starting salary is three or four thousand. We thought and talked for so long, thinking about putting marriage on the agenda, my mother met him before. , I told me two days ago that I would take him home for National Day next year to see him. I have not met his parents yet. Today he talked to his father about his plan to get m...