

目前显示的是 九月, 2020的博文

How does SEO raise a high-power blog?

 Doing SEO work is more important for the control of experience and search environment, so most servers will set up their own SEO blogs. Now that we have a blog and we are also doing SEO, we certainly need to make the blog an SEO elite Blogs can not only highlight our SEO technical strength but also serve as a resource to link to other websites. So, how to increase the weight of SEO elite blogs? 1. Keywords, First of all, we need to make our blog have a relatively high weight. We must first understand how the weight of the website is formed. The principle of increasing the weight of the website is not complicated. First of all, we need to have many pages with index keywords to be searched. The engine is included, so we have to dig out SEO-related index keywords to write content. 2. Content and content are our basic skills as a seoer. I won’t elaborate on it here, but it’s important to note that to be a SEO elite blog, the content must not only have a ranking function but also need ...

What would you do if there were only three hours left?

 What would you do if there were only three hours left? If I can never meet you again, I wish you a good morning, good afternoon, and good night. Stay alive. 1. Buy salt, buy sugar, buy chili. The house was stuffed with various seasonings. When the zombie came out, I ran to get a bite, then jumped into the seasoning and rolled. I want to marinate myself in the taste! The heart is sweet, the mouth is spicy, and the brain is salty. At that time, they are nothing more than zombies, and I will become a delicious zombie. 2. Gradually, I was gradually dried out in the summer sunshine in Beijing. I am spicy, salty, and sweet, just like a walking spicy strip. Maybe mankind will be saved because of this? Zombies are all social animals. They walk lightly and move slowly, making it impossible to detect and prevent them. But now it's different, there is me in the team of zombies! When the survivors heard a spicy smell in the middle of the night and awakened with a halazi from their dreams, the...

My boyfriend’s house only has a deposit of 200,000 yuan. Should I marry him?

 My boyfriend’s house only has a deposit of 200,000 yuan. Should I marry him? I am a female, 25 years old this year, an undergraduate from a certain university. I’ve always been praised for being pretty since I was young. I think it’s okay. My family is located in rural Jiangsu. My family’s conditions are okay. Generally, my boyfriend is 25 and lives in Zhejiang. Wenzhou countryside. My male ticket and I have been talking about it for almost three years, and it was originally for marriage. I didn't know the financial conditions of his family before. Because he just graduated this year, his major is clinical medicine, and he just came out to find a job, and his starting salary is three or four thousand. We thought and talked for so long, thinking about putting marriage on the agenda, my mother met him before. , I told me two days ago that I would take him home for National Day next year to see him. I have not met his parents yet. Today he talked to his father about his plan to get m...

Wecomee is not a scam, where is their wecomee company? Is the quality of the clothes good?wecomee.com

Is the wecomee.com website a scam? This website is recognized by the US Federal and International Trade Organizations. The products on their website are all legally operated and have no bad records. As for why they are suspected of being a scam, it is because many company websites plagiarize wecomee products and website source programs. where is their company?(wecomee.com) The company's registered address is in the United States, and its branches are in Australia, Britain, Germany, Canada, and China. They have many overseas warehouses, so the logistics speed is very fast, which meets the needs of many people. Is the quality of the clothes good? Many friends ask me whether their clothes are of good quality in Wecomee.com? According to feedback from many sellers, the quality is very good, the fabric is very good, and the price is cheap. Many buyers purchase in large quantities to sell in their own countries. We also judged based on big data that the quality of the clothes is great th...

约基奇34+14+7乔治33分 掘金逆转快船3-3进抢七

  北京时间9月14日,NBA季后赛继续进行,西部半决赛中第六战中,快船在上半场一度领先19分,但是在第三节突然断电六分钟内没有得分,掘金趁势打出一波17-0追近比分,并在末节疯狂暴走将第三节的进攻高潮延续到41-16领先到了17分,并最终以111-98击败快船,从而将大比分扳成3-3平,将系列赛成功拖入抢七大战。 穆雷双手暴扣 乔治大帽 追身三分 掘金队中,约基奇34分14篮板7助攻,穆雷21分5篮板5助攻,哈里斯16分4助攻4抢断,波特13分7篮板,蒙特-莫里斯10分4助攻;快船方面,乔治33分6篮板3助攻5抢断,伦纳德25分8篮板5助攻,路威14分,格林11分。 单节比分(快船在前):34-26,29-21,16-30,19-34 比赛开始后,穆雷内突外投连得6分约基奇中投命中后,掘金进攻稍稍停滞,伦纳德三分命中又抢断暴扣,乔治内外开花连进三球,两人率队打出11-0的小高潮反超5分。约基奇连进四球做出回应,但是伦纳德、路威和沙美特联手不断杀伤罚球,小莫里斯也飚进三分,快船将分差扩大到10分。波特连得6分率领掘金追赶,格林连进两球率队回应,首节战罢,快船34-26领先掘金。 次节,格林和乔治三分再进,分差来到了12分,之后快船进攻效率骤降,蒙特-莫里斯内外开花独得7分,穆雷突破也进波特飚进三分格兰特两罚约基奇上篮又进三分,掘金打出一波17-7的小高潮追到2分。乔治妙传祖巴茨扣篮又反击打成2+1,伦纳德篮下打进又飚三分,贝弗利突破勾手路威三分也进,快船全面开花回应一波16-2的高潮以63-47领先16分结束上半场。 下半场,乔治两罚全中又飚进两记三分包揽全队前8分,快船一度将分差扩大到了19分,但是之后进攻彻底断电6分多钟没有得分,掘金则全民皆兵不断冲击杀伤连投带罚涨分,米尔萨普得到6分,约基奇得到8分,哈里斯贡献4分,穆雷贡献5分,掘金全面开花轰出一波17-0的高潮追到只差1分。路威急停中投打破得分荒,格林反击空接上篮,快船稳住领先,克雷格和穆雷各送暴扣,掘金紧追不舍。三节结束时,快船79-77领先掘金。 末节,克雷格篮下打进又飚三分,掘金反超比分。路威抛投止血,但是掘金攻势不减,蒙特-莫里斯打成2+1后,约基奇狂飚三记三分还有后仰跳投狂揽11分,哈里斯两记三分一记中投得到8分,穆雷连投带突打进两球,尽管伦纳德三分、杀伤、暴扣连投带罚独得9分率队回应,但...

杜兰特再谈与追梦争吵 KD:争吵后关系变更好了

  北京时间9月14日消息,布鲁克林篮网队球星凯文-杜兰特近日在参加了JJ-雷迪克的《The Old Man and the Three》播客节目,期间他再次谈到了与前队友、金州勇士队球星德雷蒙德-格林之间争吵一事。 当被问及在勇士和追梦格林的争吵是否被媒体放大了时,杜兰特表示:“是的。有太多人想看我们有矛盾......感觉我们当时太完美了......他们想看一些事情发生。他们需要在我们的球队中制造一些戏剧性,这就是媒体们的切入点。” 不过,更有趣的是,杜兰特认为在这场争吵之后,他和追梦格林变成更好的球员了。“其实我和德雷蒙德(格林)之后变得更好了。我觉得我在那之后更加融入球队了,我觉得随着我们坐下聊了聊整件事后,他更加了解我了。”杜兰特继续说道。


  相信每一个夏天到香港的人,都有被冻僵的经历。 没错,在30多度的香港夏日里,被冻到瑟瑟发抖。 不管室外温度多么高、人有多么挥汗如雨,只要一走进室内,都会以为自己瞬间穿越到了另外一个半球,一秒变冬天。 不管是商场、还是地铁、抑或是餐厅。 都是永远的16度。 曾看过一则新闻,大众认为香港商场里等公共场合空调开的太低不环保。于是政府将室内空调的标准温度调升至18度...... 街上随处总能看见香港本地人手里拿着、肩上披着一件外套,甚至一条厚围巾!尽管他们下半身可能穿着热裤短裙和拖鞋...... 地铁里你也总能看到一个个穿着正装的上班族,满头大汗的冲进车厢,然后站在空调出风口一阵猛吹...... 香港很多唐楼和公屋,老楼们都临街,安装的又都是冷气机。因此这也成为了香港街头独特的风景——满街尽挂冷气机。天气稍热,走在街上,有时都能听见冷气机的转动。 以前我学校的图书馆,也安装的冷气机。夏天毫无疑问猛开冷气,冬天你以为是开暖风空调? 其实是开温度稍高的冷气...... 还记得香港念书时,第一次去上课什么也不懂,穿着短裤在教室里坐了三小时。下课后膝盖被吹得生疼。 之后虽然总裹着长裤外套去教室,但还是很容易就被吹得全身发冷。课间溜去教室的空调控制器旁一看:18度!默默往上按到22度。下节课上课不到五分钟,教授就说“好热,这个空调出什么问题了?” 然后眼睁睁看着他又去把空调调得更低。 所以,到底香港人为什么那么爱吹冷气?还要把温度调得那么低呢? 说法有很多。 有人说,是为了刺激消费。 不管是油尖旺还是港岛,总是五步一个小商场,十步一个大型shopping mall。 而有调查表明,商场温度在18-22度能刺激人消费。虽然不知道这个调查数据是否靠谱,但不难否认,你走进香港的商场,眼里看到的全是各种丧心病狂地在买买买。 而且还能一定程度上避免试衣留下汗渍呢,毕竟被冷的只剩下鸡皮疙瘩了。 有人说,是为了空气循环。 挤过港铁的人应该都知道,高峰时期的地铁有多可怕。车厢里人与人之间毫无空袭不说,连站台等车的人们都紧紧相依。 你见过黄昏六点半的金钟地铁站吗? 在如此高密度的室内空间里,夏天各种味道又很重(你们懂得),低温的冷气,好像确实能让地铁里的空气更好一些。 但又有冷气公司专业人士指出:空调吹风只能让室内的空气不断循环,也不会进入新的室外新鲜空气。 简而言之就是:然并卵 有人说,...